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Falafel with beetroot

120 g Machland beetroot cubes (sliced)
200 g cooked chickpeas
1 clove of garlic
1 pcs shallots salt, crushed cumin
4-5 tablespoons buckwheat flour
sour cream and coriander for seasoning

Prepare the beetroot, cooked chickpeas, garlic, shallots, a pinch of salt, a little cumin and mix everything finely. Add buckwheat flour to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Make balls of the mixture about 2-3 cm in size. Place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. To prevent them from sticking to your hands, you can use a drop of olive oil. Bake at 210 °C for about 25 minutes. A suitable accompaniment is sour cream with a handful of coriander. Serve with tortilla.

Used products

Beetroot Cubes

Beetroot Cubes